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Dengue fever in Reunion: a slight increase in the number of cases

Dengue fever in Reunion: a slight increase in the number of cases

On Thursday, October 13, the governorate announced that it had recorded 19 cases of dengue fever from September 19 to October 2. A slight increase in the number of cases, spread over ten municipalities on the island.

Dengue fever is still prevalent in Reunion. During the period from September 19 to October 2, the health authorities announced that 19 cases of dengue fever were recorded, compared to 13 cases during the past two weeks. The number of cases is increasing slightly and there are ten municipalities involved, particularly the south of the island.

The south is particularly affected. According to data from Santé Publique France Réunion and ARS, during the period in question, cases spread to ten municipalities:

  • Itang Sil
  • oars
  • small island
  • Saint Andrew
  • Saint-Denis
  • Saint Joseph
  • Saint Leo
  • Saint Louis
  • Saint Paul
  • Saint Pierre

However, the level is still significantly lower than the previous year for the same period.

Since January 1, 2022, 1,163 people have contracted dengue compared to 29,609 cases in 2021, 60 people were hospitalized with dengue compared to 1,185 people During the same period in 2021, 185 emergency room visits were recorded compared to 4,141 in 2021 2021, two deaths directly related to dengue fever compared to 20 cases last year.

With the Australian summer approaching and weather conditions more favorable for mosquitoes to thrive, authorities are calling on residents to:

  • Getting rid of and emptying standing water, which can be a breeding ground for mosquitoes: Everything that can have water in the house and around your house: cups, small containers, gutters, tires …
  • Protect yourself, including for the seven days after the onset of symptoms to protect those around you (mosquito repellents, mosquito nets, etc.): Continue to protect yourself, even if you have already had dengue fever before; Many dengue serotypes can be spread and infection with one serotype does not protect against attack by another.
  • Consult a doctor when the first symptoms appear: Fever, headache, muscle/joint aches, nausea, vomiting … and a biopsy lab prescribed by your doctor to confirm the diagnosis of dengue fever.
  • If you are sick with dengue fever: Continue to protect yourself from mosquito bites to avoid transmitting the disease to those around you and to monitor your health, especially between the fourth and eighth day of illness,
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Residents are invited to consult their doctor or, in his absence, the emergency service in case their health deteriorates.

As Halloween approaches, the prefecture reminds us of the good things to do in order to combat the spread of dengue fever:

  • For cut flowers, replace the water in the vases with wet sand to the edge of the pot.
  • For potted plants, do not place a cup under them.