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Dyshidrosis: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment

Dyshidrosis: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment

What are the symptoms of dyshidrosis?

Common symptoms include: Small or large fluid-filled blisters on the skin that cause itching. Dyshidrotic eczema often causes blisters to appear on the hands, sides of the fingers, or palms of the hands. A rash with blisters may also appear on or under the feet and between the toes. As the blisters heal, the skin in the affected areas will peel.

Symptoms usually come on quickly and come in flare-ups. Some people have itching and blisters once a year, others more frequently. Flare-ups usually diminish with age.

Common symptoms of dyshidrosis:

• Fluid-filled blisters on the hands or feet.

• Itchy;

• red skin;

• Peeling during the healing period.

What are the causes of dyshidrosis?

Dyshidrosis It is caused by inflammation of the skin. There is no single clear cause for these symptoms, but they are associated with other skin problems and diseases such as atopic eczema, contact eczema, and fungal infections. Dyshidrotic eczema on the hands or feet can also be caused by stress.

The rash is more common in the spring and summer or in hot, humid climates.

Factors and substances associated with dyshidrosis:

• Atopic eczema;

• Contact eczema caused by allergens, most often nickel.

• Fungal infections;

• pressure ;

• Hot and humid climate.

Diagnosis and treatment of dyshidrosis

Mild dyshidrosis may go away without treatment within a few weeks.

In some cases, an over-the-counter cortisone ointment can speed healing, but prescription corticosteroids are often necessary.

Severe and persistent symptoms of dyshidrosis often require the intervention of a dermatologist. There are: light therapy It can sometimes be a treatment option.

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What can I do myself?

You can start by using an over-the-counter cortisone ointment and moisturizing cream available at drugstores to apply to blisters on the hands, fingers, feet, and toes.

If symptoms persist, stronger prescription corticosteroid preparations may be needed. Try not to scratch the blisters, as this can lead to a bacterial infection.

Here are some practical tips:

  • Avoid allergens : Avoid contact with metals and other known allergens;

  • Use a mild soap. Choose soaps that are fragrance-free and gentle on the skin;

  • Keep hands and feet dry. Dry your hands and feet well after washing them;

  • Wear gloves : Use cotton gloves under rubber gloves when handling chemicals or washing dishes;

  • Hydrate regularly Apply moisturizers several times a day to keep your skin hydrated.

  • Try to reduce stress. Stress can be a trigger for dyshidrosis.

When should you consult a doctor?

See a doctor if you have itchy, fluid-filled blisters despite over-the-counter cortisone treatment. You should also see a health care professional if the blisters become infected.

See a doctor immediately if you experience sudden skin problems accompanied by general discomfort.

At Livi, you can consult our dermatologists and general practitioners for advice and assistance in treating dyshidrosis.. Our doctors will make an individual assessment based on your symptoms and the information gathered during your consultation. You may then receive treatment or be referred for further care.