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Evro.  Le Catis, a new activity space for patients at the new hospital in Navarre

Evro. Le Catis, a new activity space for patients at the new hospital in Navarre

New Cates Hospital in Navarra
Catis at New Navarre Hospital offers activities that complement those of the care units. © NHN

The Joint Therapeutic Activity Center (Catis) opened in June 2022, and opened on Friday, September 30, 2022 in New Navarre Hospital (NHN) FromEverrow (ori) by the management and medical team of the institution, Stephanie Auger, Chairman of the Supervisory Board and Philippe Luccione Michaux, Director of ARS Normandy.

dedicated space

Equipped inside the facility, more than 300 m2 With a private garden, the new structure makes it possible to offer a range of activities – therapeutic or occupational – to patients in the hospital, dependent on their needs, but also on their ability or desire.

Attendance at Catis is initiated by the medical nursing team of the service the person is dependent on and then validated by the Catis team.

Seven types of mediation

The protocol specifies the duration of care and the type(s) of mediation that the patient will follow (art therapy, body-mind-body space, cultural mediation, physical and sports activity, creative activities, music and professional workshops).

There are many activities that complement those patients can do within their care units. An intermediate evaluation (which can alter goals) and a final evaluation in treatment are planned.

“pedestrian bridge”

To work, Catis has nurses, carers, sports educator, psychiatric assistants who specialize in art therapy, and a psychologist. Psychiatrist – Dr. Nassim Orfi – is the reference: “Hospitalization in psychiatry is a special moment of care. Therapeutic workshops are a moment of interdependence and exchanges between the treating person and the caregiver. It is a bridge between structured care (psychotherapy and pharmacotherapy) and therapeutic and occupational activities “, explains the latter.

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Since it opened on June 10, Catis has received 180 patients.

Videos: Currently in Actu

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