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Fabien and Denis break up for the movie “Les Fabidou”

Fabien and Denis break up for the movie “Les Fabidou”

My Fabido,
After careful consideration, Dodo and I decided to take a different route. After five years of living together, marked by personal developments and precious moments of happiness, we chose to give ourselves a new freedom. Our ability to adapt to our reality has always been the strength of our relationship, and will continue to guide our lifelong friendship. That's why I'm moving, but rest assured, this decision was made with complete peace of mind. We will continue to see each other regularly, so you will never forget Dodo, even if he is less present. Do not hesitate to send him your regards if you meet him in person, it will please him, as it pleases me. We are very grateful to you for being by our side all these years. Thank you so much for your support and sincere love.

And know that you are always a part of our hearts, because we are an unshakable team ♥ We wish each other a lot of happiness in this new adventure for both of us, because the beauty lies in the fact that everything continues differently, in joy, respect and love.

“Doudou and Fabienne xox,” reveals Fabienne on Instagram.

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