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Feasting on “Roots” in Australia, Ajane finds herself in Emma Decker Super Rugby

Feasting on “Roots” in Australia, Ajane finds herself in Emma Decker Super Rugby

Starting a chaplaincy in Australia, the 25-year-old rugbyman finally gave the game the extent that I find myself playing in the best tournament in the country.

In January 2020, former AUS player Emma Decker did not actually travel to Australia to take on a sporting challenge. Together with his friend Romane DeLowne (formerly Brun Elles), they took a leisurely year on a road trip to the mainland west coast. “I was a little confused about my studies. So, why not go for the fresh air on the Australian side?”

Two friends from the agency bought a 4×4 there, which became their home. “We lived like roots. Today the 25-year-old laughs. For a year we covered 2,500km. Well, I’m never played rugby so I’m gained 10kg.” But the attraction of the Oval Ball finally caught up with the player who played for State Portalis (then Elite 2 then the Top 16) after SUA.

In early 2021, he settled permanently in Perth and joined a local club called Cotteslow. As luck would have it things are better, the coach of the women’s team is none other than the right of the Western Army. Quickly, the qualities of Lot-ed-Coronis and the 3rd / 2nd line profile caught his eye. First a training partner, he definitely switches to regional selection after a match! The man who invented rugby at the Lectur Boarding School was fortunate to learn that he would be part of a team of 27 players participating in the Australian Super Rugby from June 24 to 30. With three matches in six days, a contest that brings together the four best national owners!

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In Wallaby Land, Emma Decker invents another approach to rugby. “A lot of women play both XIII and XV. Bridges come often. Also, there is a high demand for versatility. A pillar can be aligned in the third row. I, for example, am asked. In touch, jump and lift”.

Linguistic exchanges

First, the language barrier is a drag. “I don’t understand everything I was told on the field!” But over the weeks, drowning in totality, he learned and integrated: “I let them discover the Agent accent”. Enough to teach even a few words of truth in Moliere’s language!

In Australia, as in France, there is no women’s rugby professional. Internationals are paid only by the federation. “Question level, I would say the local Perth team is equal to our Federal 1. This is like the State Portal for the Western Army.”

“In the U18 and U20, I was part of the French Top 100. But after that, I did not achieve the goals I had set for myself. However, I disconnected myself from Bordeaux. I say… “

Before flying to Australia, Emma Deckper was A.S.  Made Lairk happy.  Photo by Jean-Michel Lacombe

Before flying to Australia, Emma Deckper was A.S. Made Lairk happy. Photo by Jean-Michel Lacombe

“Glad women rugby is back on the agenda”

Emma DeCooper naturally has an eye on women’s rugby at Lot-ed-Coronais. “Great compliment to my friends from Laraoke where I played before moving to Australia”. Former Brown ‘Les “is happy to see women’s rugby coming back and growing up in Agen. I know some vahines from the Bordeaux era. .

Want to see what the new Agent Tonic wears one day? Not immediately anyway. “And more and more, I’m staying in Australia. I’m taking classes at an English and bodybuilding school. I can see it turning into my job.”

Begins to create lasting memories of a road trip with her friend – “Who was my first supporter” – Emma Decker finally makes her living in Australia. Above all, make your dreams come true.