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Food banks are running out of bread and dairy

Food banks are running out of bread and dairy

Staples are becoming increasingly scarce in food banks, so much so that some fear they will literally disappear in the coming weeks.

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At La Bouchée Généreuse, a Quebec food bank, bread, eggs and various dairy products are becoming increasingly scarce. Simply sliced ​​bread or grocery bagels are no longer available.

“The loaves have been cut in more than half, all that is baker, mordants, always faithful to the post, but all that is sliced ​​bread, sausage bread, hamburger bread, grocery bread … we are practically at Marie-Pierre Gravel, assistant…” explains Marie-Pierre Gravel, assistant Organization manager.

This alarming shortage of people in need began to emerge within a few weeks.

“It’s been two or three weeks since I actually started. It sure was starting to drop before, but we didn’t notice it. There was a big difference three weeks ago,” Ms. Gravel adds in an interview with TVA Nouvelles.

This food bank should provide baskets to 600 families in need.

Same story by Moisson Quebec.

“Our trucks leave in the morning, we don’t know what they’re going to take back, and we don’t know how much they’ll be coming back with. It fluctuates a lot, really,” explains the Foundation’s CEO, Elaine Côte.

The food bank, which used to help 30,000 people before the pandemic, is now helping more than 63,000 people each month.

To make up for the lack of donations, Moisson Québec has to buy hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of products.

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“Before the pandemic, we bought about $200,000 a year, the first year of the pandemic: $1.7 million, last year: very close to $800,000 and we expect to have to buy more than that this year,” Ms. Cote says.

To reach journalist Marc-Andre Bolian click here