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Fortnite will not be compatible with Steam Deck console

Fortnite will not be compatible with Steam Deck console

© EpicGames

With the announcement of Steam Deck, many fans expected to see Fortnite land on Valve’s console. Unfortunately, that won’t be the case anytime soon…

Announcement steam surface She was more than attractive. In fact, this console/touchpad, produced by Valve Corporation, was advertised with the promise of finding Steam games directly on it. Thus, many players expected to be able to play It is an electronic game on SteamDeck.

However, that won’t happen when the console is released, scheduled for February 28, 2022. Reason: Fighting cheaters will be very complicated. In fact, this is the response Tim Sweeney, Director of Epic Games, gave to a user and fan It is an electronic game on Twitter. Epic Games uses its own anti-cheat software, Easy Anti-Cheat, so the latter will be the cause of incompatibility It is an electronic game With Steam Deck. However, this does not mean that It is an electronic game It will never come to Steam Deck. As Tim Sweeney says: “(…) a significant effort is underway to increase the compatibility of Easy Anti-Cheat with Steam Deck”.

Moreover, it seems that this decision was also made for financial reasons. As the president of Epic Games noted in another tweet: “We are not confident in our ability to combat cheating on a large scale across a wide range of kernel configurations, including custom ones. Epic would be happy to put Fortnite on Steam. We wouldn’t be happy to give Steam 20-30% of game revenue for this franchise. Support Steam Decks are another matter.”

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