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France was beaten by England and Germany in the first half of the year

France was beaten by England and Germany in the first half of the year

The French “Gokoriko” will be short-lived. In 2020, for the first time in French history, France overtook Germany in a fundraising competition for start-ups in Europe (24 5.24 billion to 3 5.39 billion). Enough to become official, to the great satisfaction of the government, “The first innovation of the European Union was the ecosystem“Even though the United Kingdom is leaving the European Union, it is a European country, ahead of Germany’s Secretary of State for Digital Change, Katrick O’Brien. Revealed.

பட்டாத்ராக்கள்! Six months later, back to the square. Venture capital pneumatic classification released by consulting firm EY this Wednesday, September 1st: In the first half of 2021, France was -5.14 billion euros in six months, + 90% a year -, France lags, most clearly, not just the United Kingdom (six 16.44 billion euros a month, + 243% a year), but, again, by Germany (7.83 billion euros, + 298%). As France gets a better semester and approaches the total amount accumulated in 2020 in six months, its two neighbors are performing even better. “In French technology the sun shines brighter, but it becomes clear that it shines even brighter in our neighbors“Frank Sebak, partner at EY and author of the report, compiles neatly.

EY Initial Barometer 2021

Jobs, GDP, Impact on the French: What French Tech Really weighs

A Covit-19 Trombay-L Oil

Why are French shows, already so gorgeous, down to the shows of its neighbors? If you ask the La Tribune, writer Frank Sebak sees it as the result of the economic crisis caused by the Govt-19, which in 2020 affected technology more severely in the United Kingdom and Germany than in France. Its neighbors across the Rhine.

“No European country is as shock-absorbing as France in 2020. Despite the crisis, it helped French start-ups raise a little more money in 2020 than in 2019, while Germany lost 14%, second only to the United Kingdom in 2021. In the first half, the recovery was very strong everywhere, but in Germany and the UK the effect of the Govt’s capture was logical and even more significant, ”the analyst explains.

In detail, Germany overtook France on almost all fronts: Angela Merkel’s country with 3.39 billion euros in venture capital (less than 100 million euros in operations) and 4.44 billion euros. 4.10 billion euros against euros. Growth equity in venture capital and 2.0 2.04 billion for France. In the United Kingdom, it certainly does not play on the same court. With venture capital of 6. 80 6.80 billion and a growth equity of € 9.64 billion, British startups raised three times as much as the French and twice as much as the Germans. Significant round funding.

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France is still delaying the ignition of mega-levies

If Hexagon finally wins, the delay in breaking the last lock of funding since its inception last year, that is, to increase the mega-rise to over 100 million euros (9th half), is still real. Germany thus carried 16 mega-riches, and the United Kingdom recorded 34 in half a year.

Again, no French starter likes the European Top 10. Content Square Marketing Unicorn is responsible for the largest French financial round of the semester, It raised 408 million euros in May. From the top 10 in Europe, four fundraisers of over ில்லியன் 1 billion (4 2.4 billion for Swedish Kleintech Northwold, 1.4 billion for Swedish Fintech Clarna, 1.3 billion for special British OneWave satellites and 1.1 billion for British) in the transport sector. Overall, the United Kingdom and Germany are in the top 10, two against Sweden (two in the top two) and two against the Netherlands.

“Raising the new master stallion 1 billion euros is progressing very fast,” said Frank Sebaugh. [startups matures et en hypercroissance, Ndlr]Also, there are huge elevators after that. France is paying its ignition delay compared to the United Kingdom and Germany, which created their technology sector before us.

The positive point of France is that the energy of innovation is very strong there. 416 French startups raised funds in the first half of 2021, more than half of the United Kingdom (861), but more than Germany (313). After all, like anywhere else, money flows freely to fund innovation. In other words: if the hexagon lags behind the Mac-Rice, its startup network will be stronger than in Germany, and it will generate sizes at a more consistent rate than the other side of the Rhine.

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Americans and now Asians) have things to do with exit and capture value, they “lead” most French mega-riches, pushing some beautiful French tumors to cross under the foreign flag. Dadayku, a French-born data expert, is still in France, but raised $ 400 million in August under the US flag to become world leader, but this amount cannot be said for France. The same goes for corporate telephony champion Aircoal, which raised $ 120 million in mega funds in June … but is now headquartered in New York.

“In some fields, French entrepreneurs still think they have to go to the United States to succeed globally, because there is always a real problem with leaving, Frank Sebaugh regrets. Ensuring the most beautiful French start-ups being in the French country is a big challenge. The only solution I see for that is the real Europe of technology.” He begs.

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An explosion of technology around the post-Govt world

Because technology is on the rise in France, Germany and the United Kingdom. According to the Crunchbase site, உலகின் 250 billion was raised in the first half of the world or 100 billion more than in the second half of 2020. Europe accounted for almost 50 billion euros of this total during this period, which is one-fifth of the total worldwide accumulation. Of that $ 50 billion, nearly $ 30 billion comes from the United Kingdom, Germany and France.

The UK is also a dwarf in tectonics, the giant plate of global technology. So we need to change the way we think. The US camp, the Chinese camp and Europe must also be a partnership to create truly global European technology companies.“, The analyst estimates.

Investor attraction for technology is not the only cycle. Of course, money is flowing all over the world due to the easing of the monetary policy of the central banks since 2008, and to alleviate the shock of the health crisis. “By 2020, as global large economic activity almost ceases, the money supply in circulation will increase by 80% within the OECD. And in 2021, the currency plate will not be cut“, Says Frank Sebaugh.

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But above all, there has been a real, lasting paradigm shift in favor of technology since the Govt-19 crisis. The health crisis has strengthened the fundamental trend of digital transformation, with all applications – both private and professional and industrial – changing, and all indicating that this is only a beginning.

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