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Francis creates study groups on topics emerging from the synod

Francis creates study groups on topics emerging from the synod

Special groups will be responsible for in-depth treatment of several topics stemming from the first session of the Synod, which was held in the Vatican last October, and will be coordinated by the General Secretariat of the Synod, with the participation of the relevant departments.

Vatican News

The General Secretariat of the Synod announces that Pope Francis has set the dates for the second session of the Sixteenth Ordinary General Assembly, which will be held from Wednesday, October 2, to Sunday, October 27, 2024, to continue the work of the Synod on the Synod. Topic: “For the Synodal Church: Communion, Participation and Mission.” As in October 2023, this second session will be preceded by two days of spiritual retreat, from September 30 to October 1. Participants are expected to arrive in Rome from September 29.

Along with the statement, the Pope published an outline outlining the creation of study groups to delve more deeply into some of the topics that emerged during the October 2023 session. The groups will be formed between the relevant departments of the Roman Curia and the Roman Catholic Church. The General Secretariat of the Complex, which will undertake coordination.

The principle of mutual listening

In the diagram dedicated to the cooperation between the therapeutic departments and the Synod Secretariat, Francis cites the Conciliar Constitution Lumen Gentium Let us remember that the Church expresses its being “In Christ, in a way, is the mystery, that is, a sign and means of intimate union with God and the unity of all humanity.” And it is “It appears with greater clarity and greater credibility to the world in various cultures, as a sacrament of missionary communion, a unique body, sharing its Spirit which renews and guides it in proclaiming the Gospel to all peoples.” With this in mind, the Constitution of the Roman Curia was created Preach the good news Confirms that “This life of communion gives the Church the face of collegiality.”.

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“In particular, The Pope writes, Mutual listening and the dynamic of reciprocity in the service of the mission of the People of God define the work of assisting the Roman Curia in serving the Bishop of Rome, the bishops and the Episcopal Synod. The pastoral skills that you practice find their ultimate and effectiveness in serving the episcopal community and ecclesiastical communion in union with the Bishop of Rome and under his supervision. In this context lies the mission of the General Secretariat of the Council, which depends directly on the Sovereignty of the Supreme Pontiff, who… “Supports and accompanies the synodal process decided on a case-by-case basis” By strengthening synodal relations between bishops and particular churches among themselves and in communion with the Bishop of Rome.

Cooperation between Korean departments

The orthopedist concludes by predicting just that “The departments of the Roman Curia will cooperate, according to their special skills, in the activity of the General Secretariat of the Synod, by forming study groups to begin, in a synodal way, to deepen some of the themes that have emerged.” During the first session of the Synod of Bishops. “These study groups will be formed by mutual agreement between the competent departments of the Roman Curia and the General Secretariat of the Council, which is responsible for coordination.”

The “Towards October 2024” document of the Synod Secretariat, published on 11 December 2023, has already highlighted that the next Assembly will focus on the theme of participation, in relation to the exercise of authority, as an expression of communion in the service of mission. In other words, it will deepen the conciliar way of life at all levels of the Church. The Pope's decision clearly indicates that some of the most important topics that have emerged from the listening of the Churches require a long time of theological, ecclesiastical and pastoral depth according to a synodal method that brings together experts from all continents and circles of the Roman Curia according to their skills. Currently, the composition of the study groups and topics is being determined. The summary report that was voted on at the end of last October’s session referred to some of these matters, such as updating some legal rules, training of ordained ministers, relations between bishops and religious orders, and theological and pastoral research on the diaconate.

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The contributions of the study groups, from what can be gleaned from the December Secretariat document and the chart issued on 17 February, will be useful tools for thinking about the Church as a whole, but will not directly form the subject of discussion and discernment at the next session of the Synod, which It will focus on the Synod itself, the expression of communion in the life of the Church. Finally, it is interesting to note the role assigned to the General Secretariat of the Synod, headed by Cardinal Mario Grech, who will coordinate the activity with the Synods. The General Secretariat of the Congregation is not part of the Roman Curia but is directly subordinate to the Pope.

Appointment of new advisors

This Saturday, Pope Francis once again appointed six new advisors to the General Secretariat of the Synod. They are Monsignor Alphonse Boras, Episcopal Vicar of the Diocese of Liège (Belgium); Gilles Routhier, Professor of Theology at Laval University (Canada); Ormond Rush, Associate Professor of Theology at Australian Catholic University; Sister Birgitte Weiler, MMS, Professor of Theology at the Pontifical Universidad Católica del Peru (Peru); Tricia C. Bruce, President-elect of the Society for the Sociology of Religion (USA) and Maria Clara Lucchetti Bingmer, Professor of Theology at the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (Brazil). These six people are added to the current ten advisors.