Completely blind and eyeless, he is of no use underground and cannot be reckoned with by the local authorities.
A mysterious Australian mole
The species was discovered in the Great Sandy Desert, 1500 kilometers from Perth, a large Australian city in the south-west of Australia, by the Kanyirinpa Jugurba Martu rangers of the tribal owners who maintain and cultivate the land aid in their cultural knowledge.
This is the second garratul sighting in six months, and they are so rare that they are particularly fascinating. “[Je connais] Someone saw something but didn't know what it was.” Gareth Gate, a desert wildlife expert, told the BBC.
Desert wildlife
In fact, the kagarratul, like burrowing animals, spends very little time on the surface and lives in the dunes. “[Elles] Almost swimming in sand, their main exploration technique is digging trenches and canals to find their burrows.” explained Gareth Catt.
An animal presence that reminds us that the desert, despite its deceptive appearance, is an environment teeming with life. “People often think that there is no life in the desert, but it is full of unique animals!” enthused Gareth Cott. Often, desert wildlife has an appearance that can be described as awe-inspiring or unusual.
Lack of knowledge is a hindrance to research
They have actually developed specific physical characteristics to survive in the desert. “The desert is home to so many wildlife that if you observed them out of context and didn't know what they were, it would seem very unusual..
For example, we can cite the horned viper with horns on its eyelids or the desert monitor lizard with beautiful stripes.
This lack of knowledge is a hindrance to research on these amazing and highly specialized fauna compared to what we are used to in the cities or rural areas of the West.
Evidence : BBC
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