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GB News: In the United Kingdom, it takes on a flat screen shape

GB News: In the United Kingdom, it takes on a flat screen shape

Until then, there were four news channels in Great Britain: ITV (Center left), BBC News (Left), Sky News (Left BBC), Channel 4 (Left Sky News). Beyond japping, we sang almost the same song. Like us, a form of laziness set in. A vision of the world guided by an ideological discourse of the Pavlovian order began to capture itself in the mind on both sides of the screen.

Sunday, June 13, at 8 p.m., eagerly anticipated launch GB message. Audience: 262,000 viewers against 100,000 for “Beep”, 46,000 viewers for Sky. Hiccups of light and sound, despite technical faults. Neil Oliver, one of the stars of the channel, at the time of his introduction, was simply not sound. “I already am Cancel ! Ten minutes later he teased when his microphone resumed service.

This Scotsman with a strong accent is a writer and documentary maker interested in history and archeology. He hosts a show on Saturday evening. His fans want to explore the complex question of the British identity of the nickname King of Scotland. ” I feel Scottish and British. After the Scottish independence referendum it became natural for me to have a political posture. Is Great Britain still relying on a collective fantasy? Common aspirations? Or is it a geographical location? I was attracted to the promise of GB News listening to other voices. It is the breath of fresh air .

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Will the new channel calm or ignite the political debate? ” Oxygen triggers a fire, doesn’t it? We are going to create a stir. Honestly, I’m waiting for this. The conversation should start again. Let the most determined ideas rub against each other and it will revolve around angles. This is how the soft pebble beaches that make up our beautiful landscapes come into being, says Neil Oliver. Traditional media – media footage, no longer in touch with the country, deafening on subjects that appeal to millions of citizens . […]

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