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Google’s AI can predict floods 4 days in advance!

Google’s AI can predict floods 4 days in advance!

Google has AI technology that can predict floods even in areas with little hydrological data. Its forecasts four days in advance are as accurate as current operations, which only give warning on the day of a disaster.

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It’s not just generative AI that comes to life. If it’s less obvious than ChatGPT, Google has been using its own AI in specific areas for years. Among them is flood forecasting. with his tool flood axisThe company’s AI can tell if a flood will occur in a particular area a few days in advance. Thus, the intelligence model knows how to assess a potential flood seven days in advance. flood axis Thus, it covers more than 80 countries of the planet. Google is also proud to have developed an artificial intelligence model that greatly outperforms the latest global hydrological models. feature flood axisis that it does not stop at recovering data from sensor-equipped aquariums and gauges. This is the case in many European countries and in North America. It also takes advantage of those who do not have, thanks to the readings of satellite images mixed with meteorological data, open data and the geography of flood-prone areas.

Data available in real time

This is how data can be obtained in geographic areas with low returns Reliable forecast. It’s not the cas for Africa of Sud, Africa and Amérique of Sud où malgré the peu of données disponibles, it faut compter sur quatre à six jours à l’avance for determiner with fiabilité si une inondation va It happened. The tool is thus able to report the risk of flooding at a specific address. These alerts are accessible to everyone via Google Maps And google search And everything is accessible in real time. With an Android smartphone, alert notifications will appear automatically. To improve forecasts, the AI ​​also combines all available event data over a ten-year period. This data, compared to that of the same sectors over the past two years, allows for a good and accurate forecast early on. Every year more than 250 million people around the world are affected by flash floods. They cause damages amounting to about 10 billion dollars.

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