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Guillaume Meurice launched an appeal to fill the space of Malraux de Châteaudun on Friday evening

Guillaume Meurice launched an appeal to fill the space of Malraux de Châteaudun on Friday evening

Guillaume Morris will be on the evening of Friday 20 October at the Espace Malraux, in Chateaudun, to present his new show in which he plays a candidate for the 2022 presidential election.

What the new cultural season of Châteaudun has in store for you

A hilarious and cruel parody of our current politics is almost complete until the end of 2021. But not in Chateaudun, the France Inter comedian called on Chateaudun, on the evening of Thursday, October 21, on his Facebook page: “Hello Chateaudun, considering the fact that your city council has announced that tomorrow evening’s appointment has been full for a month (700 people), but I just got a text telling me there was a problem with tickets and that the quota was actually left with a block at 250 places, well… all of a sudden you can come… (even in hundreds if you like)”

“We never announced it was full”

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The post, which has been hugely admired, commented and shared, greatly ruffled the town of Chateaudun: “We’ve never said it was full,” said Christine Fernandez, the city’s director of attraction and culture on Friday morning. Not all ticket offices were operating, so we could not sell more seats. Fnac also worked without pictures of shows which is why we only placed 20 seats and they left quickly. The city ticket office has been open since Thursday, October 21 and is on call nonstop. We will have a crazy world! “

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Kristen Fernandez explained that Guillaume Morris’ show was initially planned in the theater. “I was sure we were going to refuel, so I decided to schedule it on the Espace Malraux. I was right. 280 seats in the theater are already overrun!”

The new mayor of Châteaudon also commented on Guillaume Morris’ humorous post on Friday morning: “We were on the verge of success in our mission: to spend an evening in small committee with the future president… Postpone. I wish you a great show!”

Frederic Levent

[email protected]