Awani Review

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Health Impact Assessment (HIA), an essential tool for working towards the development of health problems!

From 2018 to 2021, as part of the Government’s Health Prevention Policy (PGPS), the Ministry of Health and Social Services (MSSS), as well as the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing (MAMH), in collaboration with the National Institute of the Public Health of Quebec (INSPQ) and Espace MUNI supported the completion of health impact assessments (HIA) on municipal planning and land development projects. Despite this pandemic, 8 projects have been successfully completed thanks to the cooperation of regional public health departments and relevant municipalities (other projects to come), demonstrating the importance of HIA in influencing decisions with the aim of making them more relevant to public interests. citizens’ health.

Given the growing demand for this type of approach, the government therefore continues to invest in HIA in the Second Interdepartmental Action Plan 2022-2025 of the Public Policy Plan (PGPS).

A call for proposals, which will include regional and municipal public health departments, will be issued in the coming months. Stay tuned!

What is EIS?

Health impact assessment is an approach aimed at promoting better decisions for the health of the population. HIA makes it possible to anticipate the potential health impacts of a project and then identify possible ways to maximize positive spin-offs and minimize or offset negative impacts on citizens’ health.

It is important to note that the municipalities are cooperating closely with the Regional Public Health Department, the organization that until now was responsible for implementing the HIA. The regional teams are accompanied by experienced experts from INSPQ.

To find out more…

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If you are interested in undertaking an HIA, we invite you to read these three stories of experience related to the practices implemented and the challenges encountered for the HIA projects implemented during the first PGPS Ministerial Action Plan.

For more information about EIS: