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Heating: a shared responsibility between tenants and owners

Heating: a shared responsibility between tenants and owners

The cold weather is here in Quebec and there are certain rules to prevent it from creeping into your home.

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In fact, some regulations apply to both tenants and owners regarding heating.

In cases where heating is the tenant’s responsibility, the tenant must maintain a temperature of at least 21°C without overheating to avoid damage.

TVA News

It is possible to ventilate the house for a few minutes at a time to remove moisture and prevent mold.

If the landlord is responsible for the heating, he or she must ensure that the unit has the correct temperature year-round and ensure that the heating system is working properly.

TVA News

“If the house is poorly insulated, it will be difficult to ask the owner to carry out major work before the winter to insulate the house, so we ask the owner to provide, for example, an insulating material to facilitate heating the house,” he says. Nicole Dionne from the Housing Animation and Information Office of Metropolitan Quebec.

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