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Her second dose of the vaccine was refused

Her second dose of the vaccine was refused

A month and a half after rejecting her second dose of the COVID-19 vaccine at the industrial building in Trois-Rivières, in Mauricie, a woman is still waiting for an appointment from CIUSSS-MCQ.

Jermaine Kegel has epilepsy. During her first dose, on April 14, she developed cramps within a minute of injecting the vaccine, according to her husband, Jocelyn Pineau. Paramedics were called, Benno said, but total panic began at the vaccination site.

He explains that an ambulance took his wife to the hospital about twenty minutes later, which would have worried the nurses immediately. When he wakes up, mI Kegel was reportedly told that his seizure had nothing to do with the vaccine.

The couple then advanced ahead of time for a second dose, on June 14. Upon arriving at the vaccination station, the nurse would immediately refuse to administer the vaccine.

“They got to know my wife and they told me no, we’re not giving you that here. We’ll arrange for you to have this at the hospital, in a safe place,” Jocelyn Pinault explained to TVA Nouvelles.

According to Jermaine Kegel, the employees were too afraid of his reaction the first time. Since then, the couple has not been able to determine the second dose for the wife, who headed to the CIUSSS in her area.

“Everyone throws the ball. I have a lot of names of the nurses calling me, who take me to CIUSSS. CIUSSS calls me again and takes me to the nurses, and nothing moves,” Mr. Pino said.

The hospital reportedly explained to the couple that the transfer of doses of Pfizer (the vaccine that Mr.I Keigle) is very difficult. CIUSSS assures that a vial of Pfizer contains six doses, all of which must be taken within a short time.

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“I even told them as a joke: I’ll take one, and I’ll bring my neighbors. With four neighbors, we’ll be five, and my wife will be six, and if we win we’ll share the million,” said the man.

Despite the bad experience on April 14, Mr.I Kegels can’t wait to be fully immunized. “I want it, my second dose!” It’s safe, for sure! I’m sure I’d be nervous, but I want her the same because you have to make her stop,” she said.

The couple are concerned, as cases of COVID-19 appear to be on the rise in Morrissey recently. The lady wants to be able to leave her home without being afraid of getting sick.

For its part, the CIUSSS-MCQ confirms that the file is under evaluation and that the couple should be contacted soon regarding the directions to be followed.

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