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Here’s the best way to quit (or stop smoking), according to the science

Here’s the best way to quit (or stop smoking), according to the science

If there is one thousand and one way to breakSome ruptures have been shown to be more or less toxic or healthy. Recently, a study published in the journal Cyber ​​Psychology Reveal the most intolerable kind of separation, which is anything but the shadows.

a ghostIt is the term used when a person who is romantically involved with someone finds himself without news overnight! His messages and calls go unanswered, the other one disappears without any explanation, like a ghost (ghost in English) …

The best way to break up:Direct terminator, point blank

If a particular type of separation leaves consequences for the person undergoing it, it is clear that the opposite is also possible. In this article, we talk to you about a healthier and easier way to quit (or quit smoking)…

Like share feminine, a group of American researchers researched this question. Their conclusion:Direct terminator, point blank“without”Beat around the bush“embody”betterA way to break up for the long haul.

In fact, if it seems brutal at first, he chimes in with sincerity and candor and allows both parties to move on. Finally, for this, it is still necessary to explain the reasons for the break well. Even when it comes to breaking up, communication is still key!

Also read:

oppose behavior shadows

In short, this method of separation is directly opposite to shadowsWhich is characterized by a lack of communication that generates Confusion and uncertainty among the victims, making them less able to cope with the breakupnotes one of the authors of the study devoted to this toxic behavior.

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This time, the person remaining will have all the keys in their hands so that they can get over the breakup, no matter how painful it may be. Thanks to this very healthy behavior, each partner can begin romantic mourning under the most favorable conditions. Fun.