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Hidden and inaccessible electrical sockets at Galeries d’Anjou

Hidden and inaccessible electrical sockets at Galeries d’Anjou

If some shopping centers allow many victims to keep warm, but also to recharge their mobile phones, it will not be possible to do so at Gallery Danjo on Friday.

• Also read: Libraries, restaurants and shopping malls are under the control of the victims

It was a netizen who noticed this way of doing things and sent a photo to TVA Nouvelles.

The outlets of the luxury mall in East Montreal were covered with tape and plants were placed in front of them to camouflage them.

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We called customer service to ask if it was possible to come over and charge our devices.

“Our customers don’t have access to power outlets, that’s the policy,” the operator simply answered on the phone. “Thursday was really an exception, there were so many people and it was hard to control,” the lady added when we insisted.

Netizens notably reported that people brought all their devices, and one person even used a power strip.

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So these power outlets can no longer be used on Shabbat.

Fortunately, a large percentage of the Anjou population recovered their strength three days after the ice storm.

The town was particularly affected by the power outage as a very large percentage of the citizens lost electricity.

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