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How did France catch up?

How did France catch up?

Decadence – Only Spain, at 75%, appears to do better than France.

In the back of the vaccination package, France this summer achieved what sports commentators would classify as a true “re-count” and the big countries’ podium could emerge by the end of the summer. More than 46.5 million French people have received at least one dose of the vaccine, or 69% of the population. The rate of vaccinations for the first time, which puts France ahead of Israel, Italy and Germany. And the UK, which is offering 70% of vaccines for the first time, should make up for it soon. Only Spain, which reached 75%, looks better than France.

Emmanuel Macron’s statements on July 12 and the prospect of implementing the health permit seem to have succeeded in motivating a large part of those who are still hesitant in the face of vaccinations. “We must remember that we had a fairly good vaccination rate until the end of May, but as soon as we talked about lifting the restrictive measures, it slowed down the stimulus of some French,

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