It’s Saturday Singer Brigitte Puigoli She announced that she had to cancel her presence in star Academy Sunday evening. In fact, the beauty was supposed to take part in a tribute show for Jerry Bullitt alongside Dan Bigrass, Claude Cobra, Brian Leboeuf and Daniel Boucher on the main stage at Mills Studios. However, the singer stumbled with a loss of voice and had to cancel.
For the same reasons, the singer also had to cancel a show that was scheduled to take place on Saturday in St-Bruno. The person who will replace her at the Star Académie on Sunday night is none other than the excellent singer Lulu Hughes.
“ I’ve been so looking forward to going on stage tonight for you, Saint Bruno’s people. I’ve been waiting for this moment for a long time….this week I discovered some little germy friends who have turned into a loss of voice. I am in no position to sing for you, neither tonight nor tomorrow at the Star Académie. (I swear you don’t want to hear me sing right now!). For all ticket holders, I invite you to contact the ticket office Center Marcel-Dulude, who will take care of you. I’ll go take care of my voice, I can’t wait to see you again XX ‘, she wrote on Facebook.
We can’t wait to see the Star Académie perform, even if the excellent Brigitte Puigoli doesn’t participate.
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