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In Espace Ecureuil, “Move, there’s nothing to see”

In Espace Ecureuil, “Move, there’s nothing to see”

Espace Ecureuil presents until December 19th an exhibition of works that we do not see but discover through the words of “narrators”.

Here is an exhibit that lives up to its name: “Move, there’s nothing to see!”. On the walls of the Espace Ecureuil, Place du Capitole, only white is present. The works are embodied in pencil lines and posters, with the title, artist’s name and date of creation … Walk through the gallery, and you will not see “Still Life with Oysters, Rum, Lemons, and the Silver Chalice”, oil painting by Willem Clazon Heda (1634). Nor “The Bath” by Eugene Bonnard (1932). Nor is the Paestum Diver, which is pottery dating from the 5th century BC. This painting was not taken from Frustrés by Claire Bretécher (1975). Nor have 30 other works of art from all eras, from antiquity to the present day, been selected for this not-so-curious exhibition.

The exhibition offers its audience an unprecedented experience: discover these unseen works by listening to ‘narrators’ and ‘changers’. Identified by a badge, they will welcome visitors, standing in front of the work they have selected from the exhibition catalog (on the website ) He will tell us about his meeting with her. Do you like this idea? You can be part of the cashier group by registering online.

This whimsical, near-performance device was imagined by Sylvie Koroller Tallerach, director of Espace Ecureuil, and Marion Viollet, curator of the exhibition. “The project started from a conversation during confinement where we were frustrated and unable to open the exhibition. We asked ourselves this question: What remains of works when they are invisible? Our words, our feelings and our participation remain”, explains Sylvie Koroler.

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Admission is free, Wednesday 2pm to 7pm, Thursday 5pm to 8pm, Friday 5pm to 7pm, Saturday 12pm to 3pm and 5pm to 7pm, Sunday 3pm to 6pm Espace Écureuil (3 place du Capitol). phone. 05 62 30 23 30 (www.