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In Le Puy, the Atelier Zino association combines photography, screen printing and digital in a common space

In Le Puy, the Atelier Zino association combines photography, screen printing and digital in a common space

Emma Meyssonnier, a freelance graphic designer and missionary, collaborated with Fred Arrivé, a former photography teacher at Langogne, and Rudy Rigoudy, a teacher at IUT du Puy. The trio gave birth to Zeno, a miniature art publishing association.

high quality fan

On the ground floor of the room, rue Portail d’Avignon. A co-working space or workshop was born, Éditions du pas, geared towards screen printing and photography. Rudy brings his digital curriculum with him.

I enjoy doing augmented reality. I love taking old photos and moving them around. My creations allow me to observe techniques.

And upstairs, a little fan of the punk movement. It has nothing to do with what’s in Poitiers, which has more than 55,000 “homemade” documents and prints. Fred Arvey likes to note with humor that there are now two fan pitches, “the 500 sq m Poitiers and now the 5 sq m Poitiers”. In fact, there may be more. But it’s already a good start for Le Puy.

A fan can be defined as: “Independent print, handmade and self-published magazine. or fan magazine. Unlike a standard publication, it escapes the commercial nature of traditional distribution channels: they are often free, or low priced, do not cost much to manufacture And you don’t need ads.”

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The world of self-publishing has grown in recent years. There is also Gravesen which, as its name suggests, is also a self-produced work or “zen”, with mainly graphic content. Fans are not sold, but can be easily referenced.

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Equipment is provided free of charge

This is fully in line with the philosophy of Zino, whose buildings were established in May and which produces its own publications. Anyone can push the room door. The association advises and provides its materials free of charge, especially for printing.

We work with feeling. A contribution for consumables is required. The goal is not to make money.

Thus, the Interfolk Association recently invited Zino for screen printing (posters and t-shirts). Co-financing of the training can also be requested.

Zino will participate in the Fête de la science October 9 with the Crozatier Museum by honoring Émile Renaud, from zoetrope to digital animation.

Exhibitions in libraries

The association established links with Le Puy Library resulting in a visual exhibition (in the library) until 10 September. Fred Arrivé students attending a Diploma in Art and Design in Langogne and Rudy students (Multimedia and Internet careers at IUT du Puy) have worked on graphic creations from the (old) iconic background. From there the idea for another exhibition was born, Filming this exhibition, which is intended to be educational. Five creators are involved in the project: Barbara Santoni, Fred Arvey, Rudi Rigodi, Thomas Tribuelo and Stephanie Rosenaud.

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At the age of almost eighty, retired Jacques André let his passions speak: Africa, sports, poetry, history…

Photographers using techniques that can be described as alternatives: Lomography (using film and instant cameras), Polaroid, iPhoneography (the practice of photographing with a smartphone) and digital art, Cyanotype (a monochromatic process invented in 1842), Pinhole (a device that uses a very simple optical device). The exhibition should tour six bookstores in 2023: Allègre, Craponne, Polignac, Malrevers, Blavozy and Le Puy.

Practice. The members of the association hope to open its doors every Friday from the beginning of the school year. For any information: or

Philip Sock