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In the face of global warming, the roofs of future homes in this city should be clear

In the face of global warming, the roofs of future homes in this city should be clear

On Australia, Wilton City has decided to set new rules to combat its effects
Global warming. As pointed out by the Government of New South Wales, a new “Development Control Plan” (DCP) parallel to our local urban plan should be finalized in the second half of 2021.
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Operations include the supply of water heaters via solar panels, the installation of a passive cooling system or the installation of an alternative energy source.

Paint the roofs light

But it also draws attention above all as a rule about the color of the roofs. In fact, the city prefers new house constructions to have white or light colored roofs “where possible”. This makes it possible to better reflect sunlight in particular, thus controlling the heat of the building. Air conditioning can be used sparingly, PFM TV explains.

In addition, the text provides for planting several trees, which will bring more freshness in the event of extreme heat, with temperatures soaring above 50 degrees this summer. The municipality expects these new rules to initially apply to the neighborhood, which can accommodate 9,000 new homes.

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