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Increasing learning on the Internet affects children’s vision

Increasing learning on the Internet affects children’s vision

01.04.2021 – 21:44

Vision Attack Company

Dallas (ots / PRNewswire)

One year after the outbreak, a panel of eye and health experts shed light on the effects of screen learning on children’s eyesight

One year after many schools around the world switched to virtual learning as a result of the COVID-19 epidemic, Vision Attack Company Recently brought together experts in children’s vision and health Discuss the impact of digital learning on children’s vision.

The team included Managing Director Donna Masik National Association of School Nurses; Becky Palm, President and CEO Ecceler Vision Foundation; Joseph Richie, Managing Director Pennsylvania Optometric Association And Dr. Charles Shidlofsky, Medical Director Neuro-Vision Associates of North Texas.

During the discussion, the different effects of the infection on children’s vision became clear:

- Kinder leiden aufgrund zusätzlicher Bildschirmzeit und weniger Zeit im Freien vermehrt unter Sehstörungen. Diese Veränderungen haben zu höheren Zahlen bei Kurzsichtigkeit, Augenbelastungen und zu vermehrten Problemen beim Wechseln zwischen Nah- und Fernsicht geführt 
- Der Zugang zu ärztlicher Hilfe war erschwert. Davon waren Schuluntersuchungen, umfassende augenärztliche Untersuchungen und humanitäre Angebote betroffen. Mit der Verbesserung der Bedingungen wird sich diese Lage allerdings wieder entspannen. 
- Der Zusammenhang zwischen Sehvermögen und Lernen ist für die Zukunft der Kinder von entscheidender Bedeutung, da achtzig Prozent der Lernprozesse durch die Augen erfolgen. Sensibilisierung und evidenzbasierte Interessenvertretung sind auch weiterhin der Schlüssel zur Bewältigung dieses Bedarfs an öffentlichen Gesundheitsangeboten. 

“It is clear that we need to focus on vision in the public administration of changes in child rearing,” he said Kristen Cross, CEO of a vision impairment company. “Inequalities in access to services in the healthcare system existed before the epidemic, but this has been exacerbated by the rapid transition to digital learning. Working with such systems can fully develop their future potential based on ensuring that our children enjoy a better view and education.”

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Information about the vision attack company

Vision Impact aims to raise awareness of the importance of vision correction and safety in order to make good vision a global priority. Its advisory board consists of four independent international experts: Pvt. Claire Gilbert (United Kingdom), Alliala Nandakumar (USA), Ph.D. Serge Resnikoff (Switzerland) and Dr. Wang Wei (China).

The Vision Impact Institute is a registered 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization that receives support from the Vision for Life Fund, the world’s leading eye care company. The Vision Attack company offers a unique research database

Press Contact:

Andrea Kirsten-Coleman
Head of Global Communications
[email protected]
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Original content from: Vision Impact Institute, spread by News Actual