Earlier this year, Intel launched a campaign titled “You’re Not on a Mac” aimed at discrediting Apple’s new M1 chip. This connection highlighted various shortcomings of Apple computers, such as the inability to play or the lack of a touch screen. The founder has also issued several standards (some of which are It was questionable) To confirm the superiority of its treatments.
Relations between the two new rivals will not improve after the airing of a new campaign that was introduced yesterday at Computex 21. This was revealed on the occasion of the launch of the eleventh generation of H-series processors.
According to the company, Macs are inferior products due to incompatibilities with games: The manufacturer has taken the opportunity to publish a list of titles, among the most popular, which are not compatible with macOS. An argument certainly doesn’t go back to yesterday – Apple on iOS managed to bring publishers and gamers together – but it remains valid: Aside from emulation, it’s impossible at the moment. Install Windows directly on your Mac M1.
Intel also released a benchmark for the 16-inch MacBook Pro (the most powerful hardware device currently available) versus the Intel computer. Unsurprisingly, this is in favor of Intel, which has clearly chosen the tests with care. The campaign also promotes the fact that many creators are gamers and vice versa.
Asked before PCGamerRyan Schrott, Intel chief performance strategist, justified this campaign by the fact that Apple didn’t. It’s no mystery to consumers to switch to their own processors »And that he now considers the Cupertino company a competitor.
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