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Justin Trudeau’s first flight on his new official plane

Justin Trudeau’s first flight on his new official plane

Justin Trudeau is now available for the first time on the board of his new official aircraft, the CC-330 Husky fabricated by Airbus, and the replacement of the CC-150 Polaris that can provide the gouvernement in the embarras after a month in India. in September.

• Read also: Stranded in India: Military plane leaves to pick up Trudeau

• Read also: Canada is purchasing nine Airbus A330 aircraft for its military operations

Thirty-year-old planes

In service since 1992, Polaris’ CC-150 fleet has encountered several problems in recent years.

The most recent incident in memory is the one that occurred in New Delhi last September. In the midst of diplomatic cold weather with India, Justin Trudeau was stuck in the Indian capital for two days due to a malfunctioning part.

In addition to mechanical and electronic problems, these aircraft were also technologically outdated. Without screens on the seats, and without the Internet, the Prime Minister’s entourage was forced to use extension cords to power passengers’ devices. A relic of the past, ashtrays were still attached to the arms of the seats.

An order worth $4 billion

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Wednesday’s flight was on the first aircraft accepted by the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) on November 9 after it was modified and painted according to government requirements.

This is the first of nine CC-300 Huskys, the name of the Airbus A330 fleet, which will consist of five used aircraft and four brand new aircraft. The total bill for purchasing and modifying aircraft exceeds $4 billion, including taxes.

The value of the five used A330-200 aircraft is estimated at just over $250 million, and the purchase of the five used A330-200 aircraft has saved “millions of dollars,” the Ministry of Defense confirms in an email.

The bulk of the bill is due to the four new planes, purchased directly from French manufacturer Airbus, which, including conversation costs for the five old planes, will cost $3.6 billion.

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Construction of the new A330s is scheduled to begin next spring, and their conversion into multi-role tanker transport (MRTT) aircraft – aircraft with military characteristics capable of mid-air refueling of fighter jets – is scheduled to begin in 2025. Delivery is scheduled to take place The last in 2029. .

Justin Trudeau's first flight on his new official plane

Photo courtesy of Royal Canadian Aircraft