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Los Angeles: She was offered 0,000 for her dog, but she refused

Los Angeles: She was offered $200,000 for her dog, but she refused

A stranger offered a Doberman Pinscher woman $200,000 to buy her a puppy, and her reaction has divided the internet.

The young woman explained: “Someone offered me $200,000 ($271,890 CAD) for our puppy, and I said to my husband, ‘Absolutely not.’ Are you going to sell your dogs for $200,000? They’re my baby!”

Alexis Elliott told the story to her subscribers on TikTok in a video clip that received more than 950,000 views, but the situation sparked great reactions from users, according to the New York Post.

Some simply could not believe how serious the proposal was, while others expressed incomprehension about Ms. Elliott’s refusal.

“It’s a crime not to accept $200,000,” one user shouted.

“In this economic context? Yes,” answered another.

A third joked: “I would go upstairs real quick and pack his stuff.”

Others even took advantage of the video to offer their own animal for $200,000. One of these answers even went viral with over 5 million views.

But many users supported the young woman’s refusal.

“Absolutely not. People who say yes shouldn’t have dogs,” another user replied. “This dog is my life.”

“Oh my god never.” Another added: “The thought of my dog ​​feeling confused and abandoned breaks my heart.”

In the comments, other people shared similar stories to Alexis Elliott, who apparently isn’t the first person to face this funny situation.

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