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Love Science – Football Handbooks |

Love Science – Football Handbooks |

Let us point out two interesting articles from the Guardian on Covid that were published in the last 24 hours.

The first relates to improving the situation in AfSud Reservation (According to the authorities anyway), the second is a brief article on Omicron Reservation.

@ yul and genius. We should really move on to another thread to discuss all this, I don’t know the forum very well so suggestions are welcome.

Briefly :

@ yul. Thank you for your return. The best thing that can be done for you I think in the near future, in order not to reinvent the wheel (what you are looking for has been done and rebuilt by others, specialists in FLE) is to try to find it on the internet or elsewhere, using specialized FLE institutions For example, a ‘workout’ (tutorial/working guide/lesson plan) for very beginners/first time learners, which you can then adapt to your students (DLE seems to be called ‘level A1’, which refers to the framework’s classification and terminology The European Standard Reference for Languages, Reservation).

Two or three sites in particular seem to be a good starting point, at least as institutions to contact.

The International Federation of French Language Teachers website. Reservation for example. lepointdufle website also, Reservation. I don’t know what it’s worth but a priori it seems very complete (their introduction: “Hello 🙂 On this site you will find more than 15500 links to learn and teach French).

In addition, I’ve just searched Google (somewhat randomly) for the title “FLE A1 Work Guide” (For Beginners) and there are hundreds of sites that offer business and company guides, accompanied by various sources, helpful files, materials/audio clips, etc. . I put you first on the list: Reservation

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The second link is Reservation. This site looks good and is full of well done and wide scope resources (basic files, clips, songs, pronunciation guides, comprehension exercises, role plays, etc.).

The fourth link looks good too Reservation Also, the seventh link Reservation.

There are pages and pages only for the address you entered into Google.

@ genius. Thanks for the details. 2009-10, before the Academic Generalization of Education in England for it. I know the type of area in which you have done your research, live and teach in, and/or on the fringes of these former English mining communities since the 1990s, South Yorkshire (Barnsley and Rotherham) and North East, both of which are “formerly mining” sides of Newcastle North and South for that.

This article may interest you Reservation And Reservation Since you have worked in this area for your research project, it is about football in the mining community in the North East (County Durham in particular, where I was imagining and seeing your description “a poor little town south of Newcastle with a history related to me”) during the great miners’ strike In 1984-1985.