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Marie-Anick Lépine announces the best news for Cowboys Fringants fans

Marie-Anick Lépine announces the best news for Cowboys Fringants fans

The singer and musician has revealed via Instagram that “the best album of the Cowboys Fringants’ career” will soon see the light of day!

No one releases an album thinking what they're doing is “pretty.” We always think that it will be album of the year, that our songs will be played on the radio, that broadcasters will want to buy our show and go on tour, that we will have a lot of nominations at ADISQ…
If we thought differently, we would keep our songs to ourselves. We won't risk being demolished by critics and audiences or worse, since no one is talking about it…

That's why there will always be many hearts and many egos broken by this profession.

All this nice introduction to let you know that I honestly think the next Cowboys Fringants album will be the best of our career 😁.
And perhaps even Jean-François Bausé
He will receive his first ADISQ nomination in the “Songwriter of the Year” category. Do we ever know!
Good luck Jan! In my opinion, it's your year 😂 After 150 excellent tunes!

Mary twentieth
How do you like sharing my afternoon…on an empty stomach? Enjoy, it's rare that I write before midnight! 😉,” she trusts.

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