Awani Review

Complete News World

Mellaw.  Until the public space is reopened.

Mellaw. Until the public space is reopened.

CHe was scheduled to play on May 21. Shear »Street view, city stroll, company Arts , Programmed by Théâtre de la Maison du Peuple in 2020 and postponed to Spring 2021: canceled! Theaters are opening and the street remains closed!

“We, the occupants of the Maison du Peuple, are calling for a demonstration on May 21 at 6.30 pm to reopen the public space. We meet with you in front of the Pasteur Street theater. Reopen the public space!

We will cry out for what we have been demanding for more than 60 days: abolish unemployment insurance reform and abolish rights for all. It’s not the last government announcements that will calm our anger, nor is it a plaster to stop the bleeding.

What we stand for we defend for everyone!

For more skill, reddish your pants! Come on, our street! The event is declared for the subclass. Meet in front of the Maison du Peuple. “

Occupants of the Maison du Peuple: non-staple group, yellow jackets, union Paysanne, CGT, Sud Solidaires, Aveyron’s breakout group, Convergence Millavoise …

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