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Michael Russo will never speak French

Michael Russo will never speak French

Last fall, Air Canada CEO Michael Russo set Quebec on fire.

Not only had he lived there for 14 years without learning a word of French, but he had found a way to see in this situation evidence of Montreal’s tolerance.

Happy is this city where it is possible to develop without uttering a single word of the language of the country which is the capital.

Quebecers were in a frenzy. But unfortunately, they did not keep each other for long.

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We’ll draw a strange lesson from this: Quebecers accept that they are hunched over, but they are less accepting of those who wipe their feet on their faces to point at them.

Anyway, the day before yesterday, Michael Russo flew back to Ottawa and apologized in his bag. Apparently, he even took French lessons. By ear, it didn’t sound like much.

At best, he has no talent for tongues. Happen or occur. At worst, he doesn’t care about his French lessons. That wouldn’t be surprising either.

One thing is for sure, Michael Russo will never speak French. That hasn’t stopped him from becoming the CEO of Air Canada, and it won’t stop him from staying that way.

But let us not chase this poor lord. Michael Russo plays by Canadian rules, and French is optional in Canada. In other words, Canada is a bilingual country that speaks English.

Michael Rousseau took advantage of the neo-colonial system that allows the English minority and those who assimilate with it to live in Quebec without interacting excessively with the natives as we are.

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We are the blue spot that spoils Canada’s beautiful image. We are the identity backwards in the Canadian utopia. We are the elderly that Canadian multiculturalism and demographic evolution will end up dismantling and erasing so that “diversity” triumphs.

But in all this, some are unforgivable.

I’m talking about those who pretend to be offended by Michael Rousseau’s disrespect for the French language, but unabashedly (and perhaps with some interest) support the federal system that makes it possible.

We know them.

They pretend to criticize the situation, but have privately mobilized against the reinforcement of Law 101, shouting indignation at its possible application to CEGEP.

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Legault’s government is satisfied with measuring spoons, but they see many attacks against English society.

They claim to celebrate “diversity,” but it is above all telling the historical French-speaking majority to take a hiatus, by making it clear that it is only one community among others in Quebec.

Michael Rousseau annoys them as he reveals the true nature of the order to which they have pledged allegiance and which represent Quebec’s burgeoning conveyor belt.

However, the facts are stubborn: Michael Rousseau well represents the future of Quebec in Canada: a country where French-speaking Quebecers are useless, annoying and even too much.