Awani Review

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Neighborhood.  Complete renovation of the Jacques Rey space roof

Neighborhood. Complete renovation of the Jacques Rey space roof

During the last municipal council, a decision was taken by the mayor by the delegation (deliberation No. 9) regarding the ceiling of Jacques Rey’s space: According to the deliberations of the Municipal Council on May 26, 2020, and referred to before on May 28, 2020, Mayor Jean-Louis Denois informed the Council The city states that despite planned rooftop work during the rehabilitation of the Jacques Rey space, Microlex has emerged.

In order not to deteriorate or compromise the manufactured interior fittings, it was decided to carry out a complete repair of zinc ceilings to extend their life. After the public market launched on March 19, 2021, only one offer was made before March 12, 2021, at 12 noon, by SARL Delbès, Bel Air business park, in Rodez.

After analyzing this offer by the project manager on March 23, 2021, the company was notified of the participation process on March 31, 2021, in the amount of € 251,584.48.

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In addition, deliberations No. 10 dealt with financial participation in complementary social protection on saving risks for community employees. Rep. Bernard Manhaval stated that according to the deliberations of October 29, 2012, a municipal financial contribution is granted to the permanent municipal agents of the “foresight” component of social protection equivalent to 100% of the contribution owed by the agents. In light of the increase in subscription rates, the Municipal Council has unanimously set the maximum monthly amount to be paid by the community at € 90.

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In addition, deliberation No. 11 extends non-permanent contractual work. Rep. Bernard Manhaval indicated that during the City Council meeting on September 28, 2020, a non-permanent job was created for a temporary increase in activity from November 1, 2020 for a period of 7 months in order to enhance the canteen service at Pont School during maternity leave. After the agent requested parental leave, the city council unanimously decided to extend this position for a period of 6 months starting June 1, 2021.