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OD Martinique: The straw finally broke the camel’s back

OD Martinique: The straw finally broke the camel’s back

“do not embarrass me”Aline Gubin (Dominique Michel) begged her son Louis (Martin Drenville) before he participated in the first draft of what would become a reality TV comedy. Louis 19 King of the Waves.

No need to underline as bold as the author of these lines goes with this…

It is clear that we will encounter several lessons of humility during our existence.

Missing his pies.

Getting a tattoo of a Chinese symbol does not have the meaning that we thought.

Slipping into fourth place instead of being selected first in the NHL Draft.

But to see the doordouble occupation (A show whose main concept is based on a search for love and human connections) For stories of bullying and toxic behavior, it’s a good sign above many scenarios.

This is what finally happened to Philip and Isaac (it looks like Felix narrowly escaped)This Wednesday, October 19. Fate also wanted the bearded man in charge of the youth house expelled from the adventure the day after the episode aired as the latter was identified as the source of many “red flags” by the girls.

There is no bar jumping for barman.

But what is unfortunate in this case that has particularly affected so far Jonathan And the Tommyis that production waited until three sponsors had distanced themselves from the show to finally take the big strides.

Easier said than done in the heat of the moment, of course, but we’re still dealing with professionals who can sense that resilience is about to break.

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It’s not the first time this has happenedOD He finds himself in a dilemma due to the inappropriate gestures of his candidates (racist, aggressive statements, insults, cheating, lies, etc.). The same tape is played on every occasion to correct the situation and quell popular discontent, but the straw finally broke the camel’s back.

On top of that, we can’t help but be curious to find out what happened during the three-week time lag between making that decision and what we’ve been able to see so far – and we’re already far from knowing all the details surrounding what was broadcast in the first month this season.

How will the news be delivered to the interested candidates suddenly and late in the adventure? How will everything be displayed on the screen?

Were there any other incidents where his experience was also marred by rumors and very poor strategy?

We believe, after all these years, that participants will have all the necessary tools at their disposal to know how to fall into the audience’s blessing. but not!

It’s a sad sight, especially in a year when it’s hard to get attached to participants who, for the most part, only have the game on their mind, but clearly don’t know how to play.

Doesn’t make a good impression on TV for anyone who wants (Talk to Lisa Ray).

Let us hope that the public will have the necessary maturity not to repeat to the aforementioned place, excluding what rebukes them for weeks; And that this other clash will persuade production to take advantage of other groups of candidates for the next round. If there is an upcoming edition, of course.

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We’re starting to get around this…

We also look forward to seeing if Philip and Isaacs will be part of the traditional moment of truth.

OD Martinique airs Sunday through Thursday at 6:30 p.m., on Noovo.