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On the high seas, nearly 50 people are said to have contracted a disease of unknown origin.

On the high seas, nearly 50 people are said to have contracted a disease of unknown origin.

Symptoms of this disease are itching, headache, fever, fatigue and skin lesions. The government spokesperson was contacted by phone on Friday 14 February by Espace FM. Ousmane Jawal Diallo gave explanations.

At the beginning of the week we started checking in patients who complained of burning and itching, and when the number reached a certain level, so far less than 50 people have been consulted. Most of them are in the outpatient clinic for follow-up. Once the number increased, arrangements were made. The Minister of Fisheries, who was the first person alerted, made arrangements with the Minister of Health to take care of these people. An interministerial crisis council was formed, headed by the government, and laboratories were mobilized for analysis. »pointed out.

According to him, sanitary arrangements are made to take care of patients. There is a cabinet ready with the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Fisheries and Aquaculture and the official spokesperson. We are in the process of re-adjusting based on the information returned to us. All measures are being carried out at the moment to control this phenomenon. After that, investigations are conducted, from a medical and security point of view, to be able to understand the origin of the phenomenon and possibly take appropriate measures.“, he added.

He added that rumors spread about a boat unloading copper or fuel, which leads to pollution of the water or the release of toxic substances. ” IResearch is in progress. The Marine Gendarmerie is also mobilized to try to follow up on all the information it is given to track down the potential problem. What is clear is that today there is no indication that it is contagious among normal people. The affected persons are those who were in direct contact with the liquid and felt these burns after a few days. Some have burns on their arms, others on their faces, others on their genitals, and so on.“, It is to explain.

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On the high seas, nearly 50 people are said to have contracted a disease of unknown origin.

When the Minister of Health was questioned about the ability of Guinean laboratories to quickly detect the pathological condition that Donka patients contract, he replied with confidence that the country’s laboratories are well and truly equipped to detect any kind of toxic substances, and that solutions can be found in this field. Both public and private structures. He cited in particular the Pasteur Institute, as well as laboratories in private hospitals and the German laboratory on the edge of Landrea.

With regard to the places of contamination, the minister explained that the patients were isolated to limit any possible infection, and that there is no evidence, at the present time, that the disease was contagious from one person to another. However, if this is the case, sanitary measures will be taken. Therefore, it is necessary to be vigilant and follow the recommendations of the health authorities to avoid any spread of this disease.

Amadou Diallo