As always with Apple, there were fans of the Apple brand. On Friday, February 2, many people lined up to be the first buyers of the brand's latest product, the Vision Pro, a mixed reality headset. It takes such enthusiasm to get a $3,500 (€3,250) piece, currently distributed only in the United States, where 200,000 pre-orders have been registered.
“Today marks the beginning of a new era of computing.”According to Tim Cook, Apple's CEO, “spatial computing”. Using a headset, the user can access their applications, while maintaining a view of their environment, or choose, by manipulating a wheel, to trap themselves in a fully immersive virtual reality, to enjoy a movie, for example. . Interfaces are interacted with with a simple movement of the fingers, while competing products (Oculus Quest from Meta, HoloLens from Microsoft or HTC Vive) require the use of controllers.
Due to its external battery, the weight of which is considered too heavy by some users, the product has been criticized. Video clips have been circulated on social networks mocking its users' use of this device in public – instead it is intended for sedentary use – an indication that this group still suffers from social unacceptance.
Even more annoying is that Vision Pro users who forget their password to use their device will have to return it to the store – even though the brand is built on an ecosystem where all products should connect seamlessly. Another worrying sign is that very popular platforms, such as Netflix or YouTube, have chosen not to design dedicated apps for Vision Pro.
“Commercial pilot”
Thomas Howson, an analyst at Forrester, understands this: “The product is not perfect, it is a commercial pilot, which is unusual for Apple.” However, he shows that the brands he interacted with are interested “To develop expertise” In this new space, Apple attracts customers with strong purchasing power: 36% of its customers have an annual income exceeding $100,000, more than all of its competitors, according to Forrester.
Tim Cook, who took the helm of Apple in August 2011, is considered an excellent manager who saw Apple's capital exceed $3,000 billion in June 2023. However, he is not considered a visionary, unlike his predecessor Steve Jobs, the company's founder. .
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