Sorry, your browser does not support the videos (Nanjing) A better dog: obeys, does not bark, does not bite, and...
(London) Their son Andrew, two months after his 100th birthday, reported that Prince Philip's death left a "big void" in...
Basic There are about 200,000 people with Parkinson's disease in France, which is an ever-increasing number. Parkinson's disease is a...
Posted today at 08:38 Updated today at 08:38 Dominic Ducharme, the Canadian coach, has decided to challenge the referee’s decision...
Remember, in 1993, movie theaters all over the world were hosting Steven Spielberg's Unusual New Movie: Jurassic Park. A film...
On Sunday, an "accident" occurred at the uranium enrichment plant in Natanz, Iran, but it did not result in casualties...
Exports are 2.1% lower than before the February 2020 crisis News Release No. 175 from April 9, 2021 Export, February...
D.The day after Prince Philip's death he was touched by the sympathy of the British royal family. The heir to...
[Bernhardshopmeyerdiesin1945:HisgranddaughtertalkstojournalistJohnWeberatOsnabrookbergParkabouttheeventssurroundingtheassassinationoftheNaziregime'[1945ஆம்ஆண்டில்பெர்ன்ஹார்ட்ஷாப்மேயர்இறந்துகிடந்தார்:அவரதுபேத்திஹாம்பர்க்எழுத்தாளர்சில்கேஷாப்மேயர்நாஜிஆட்சியின்எதிராளியின்கொலையைச்சுற்றியுள்ளநிகழ்வுகள்குறித்துஒஸ்னாபிரூக்கின்பெர்கர்பார்க்கில்பத்திரிகையாளர்ஜான்வெபருடன்பேசுகிறார் Herman Benderman Osnabrook. When Silke Shopmeyer was born in 1970, his grandfather was long gone: Bernhard Shopmeyer was shot...
The Federal Foreign Office has issued travel warnings for numerous regions in Europe due to the corona epidemic. They are...