Assassin's Creed Shadows (formerly known as RED) is the long-awaited next installment in Ubisoft's saga, set in feudal Japan. A...
Several people have reported falling into quicksand on beaches in Maine, USA. Jamie Acord was walking along Popham Beach with...
The Republican nominee, who wants to name his presidential running mate during the party's convention in July, has begun selecting...
“I would really like that, sir. Trudeau thinks about seniors. “This doesn't make any sense,” he deplores Newspaper A 70-year-old...
The organizer of Pitbull's show canceled last minute on Saturday, Evenko, because he was informed that the singer was unable...
Controversy has raged in the Journal de Montreal following journalist Laure Varydel's bold call for the Canadian Grand Prix in...
Le Grand éGAREment was organized by the Tavarn Ty gar Association, Saturday 8 June 2024. Visitors were able to enjoy...
(Seoul) - North Korea once again sent balloons filled with garbage to South Korea on Saturday after activists from the...
Former British Prime Minister and current British diplomatic chief David Cameron was victimized by a man posing as former Ukrainian...
“I would really like that, sir. Trudeau thinks about seniors. “This doesn't make any sense,” he deplores Newspaper A 70-year-old...