With the Montreal Canadiens, a shock wave rocked the team behind the scenes recently. A persistent rumor claims that a...
A small revolution in the classification of killer whales! American and Canadian biologists have identified two new species of these...
A terrible massacre in southern Mexico. At least 83 howler monkeys have been found dead in the Mexican state of...
By Benoit Lesaulnier Published on May 23, 2024 at 6:14 am Check out my messages Follow Le Journal de l'Orne...
Former Le Bilan contributor Régine Laurent has decided to trade her retirement for a position on the Board of Directors...
Natalie Choquette He traveled to England to audition for the show Britain's Got Talent Its number, in addition to not...
(Shutterstock) - The Arab Maghreb University and the National Center for Scientific Research are launching the first edition of the...
Seagulls were circling above the revolutionaries, ready to steal their food. On the field, Forge picked up the piece given...
Hydro-Québec has put an end to the saga that, for more than ten years, surrounded the construction of the high-voltage...
A 16-year-old American teenager almost lost his life after suffering an electric shock between his metal collar and the prongs...