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Perseids: A site for observing meteors revealed by the Western University

Perseids: A site for observing meteors revealed by the Western University

Western University of London is developed with NASA A site for observing meteors and revealing them just in time for the Perseids, an annual astronomical phenomenon that is expected to peak between Saturday night and Sunday morning.

With clear skies and a waning moon, Canada is an ideal location for viewing this meteor. The skies of the northern hemisphere will be filled with lights reflected by particles of dust and rocks, remnants of the formation of the solar system that burn as they pass through the atmosphere.

We hope this site will be an essential tool for fans of meteorites who want to view them. We want to make sure the public is informed and aware of all these interesting phenomena.

On Saturday evening, approximately 60 meteors can be seen every hour. It is also possible that, very early Sunday, several meteor flares will occur at 10- to 20-second intervals.

The location dial is effective because it predicts the phenomena that will occur, explains Dennis Vida, a postdoctoral research associate.

When the dial is in the blue zone the activity is very low and nothing interesting happens, while when the dial is in the red or green zone you can go out and see meteors in the skyhe explains.

A screenshot from the website shows a dial, with the needle all the way to the right, indicating a frequency of 141 meteors per hour.

The site makes it possible to measure the frequency of meteor appearances over the next 24 hours.

Image: screenshot

A phenomenon more pronounced in less densely populated areas

The tool that is used to coordinate spacewalks from NASAIt can be accessed from anywhere in the world at any time.

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Meteors move through space at about 20 kilometers per second, which is the speed of a cannonball. If an astronaut takes a spacewalk without making accurate forecasts, a meteor could pierce his spacesuit and cause an oxygen leak.

According to Vida, the data collected by the group has been shared with NASA for several years. Today, this Western University research group releases this information to the general public.

With information from CBC News.