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Quebec records 35 additional deaths

Quebec records 35 additional deaths

Quebec has 1,901 positive people for COVID-19 in its hospitals, including 66 patients in intensive care.

In addition, 35 additional deaths have been added to the balance sheet.

Status in Quebec as of May 10, 2022

– 1,053,409 infected (+772 *)

– 15,178 deaths (+35)

1,901 people were hospitalized

* 99 entries

* 108 outputs

66 people in intensive care

* 12 entries

* 12 outputs

– 11,217 samples were taken

– 205,929 self-declared rapid tests so far, of which 168,604 are positive: 648 were announced yesterday, including 558 positive.

– 12,740 doses were added, i.e. 11,993 in the last 24 hours and 747 before May 9, for a total of 1,674,426 doses in Quebec.

Outside Quebec, a total of 328,774 doses were administered, for a cumulative total of 20,003,200 doses received by Quebec residents.

*The number of cases listed does not represent the situation because access to screening centers is limited to priority customers

Number of cases by region

Lawrence St. Lawrence: 20270

Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean: 29830

Capital National: 87295

Mauricie and Centre-du-Québec: 58,165

Eastern towns: 48918

Montreal: 305829

Ottaway: 39326

Apetibe – Timiscaming: 10674

North Coast: 8263

Northern Quebec: 1450

Gaspésie-les-de-la-Madeleine: 8853

Chaudiere-Appalaches: 60616

Laval: 70843

Lanaudiere: 69.058

Laurentians: 78301

Monterey: 146947

Nunavik: 2980

teres-chris-de-la-bye-james: 2888

Unknown: 0

Outside Quebec: 2883

All Quebec: 1053409

deaths by region

Lawrence St. Lawrence: 167

Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean: 431

National Capital: 1531

Mauricie-et-Center-du-Québec: 995

Eastern towns: 608

Montreal: 5450

Ottaway: 310

Abitibe-Tmiscaming: 110

North Shore: 46

Northern Quebec: 4

Gaspeci – Magdalene Islands: 81

Chodier Appalachian: 634

Laval: 1099

Lanoderie: 759

Laurentians: 749

Monterey: 2177

See also  Cuts at CBC/Radio-Canada 'premature', judges in Ottawa say

Nonavik: 10

Teres-Chris-de-la-bye-James: 15

Unknown: 0

Outside Quebec: 2

All Quebec: 15178