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Radio in the UK in 2035

Radio in the UK in 2035

In early 2022, radio restored the animal’s hair. But we do not take it too fast… It does not exceed 40 million daily listeners. In particular, on the waves from November to December 2021, the radio was listened to by 40,843,000 people. This is a little better than it was a year ago. Radio received about 429,000 listeners a year, a small number compared to the school-going wave: 178,000.
Not wanting to rub salt in the wound, we must not forget this latest news … Last July, a decade after enjoying a historic flight to French radio, it fell below the psychological bar of 40 million viewers and ended its season in the abyss. Moderate but continuous decline …

What do you want to know from this? Today’s winners are not necessarily tomorrow’s winners. This is what creates the beauty of radio. The audience is mostly versatile, sometimes unstable and generally capricious. Like listeners … we need to keep in mind that it also develops to the tune of events that create or break a community. Prolonged health crisis, movement is significantly reduced, as evidenced by this.
The audience is the heart of the radio machine. Because, no matter what radio we work on, from the smallest to the largest, here or elsewhere, we always make the radio listen to as many listeners as possible.

Even the transmission belt audience for this new magazine Radio’s Letter Pro. Extended number for Radio and Podcast Week, whose main theme revolves around the audience. For a week, fifty professionals will share their experiences. No doubt they will tell us that the audience is changing. Since the advent of transistors in stoves and car radios in cars, hearing has not undergone as many evolutions as it does today.

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2022 Happy New Year.