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RC 148. A Journal for Defending the Integrity of Science.

RC 148. A Journal for Defending the Integrity of Science.

Here I reproduce and review AFIS’ Who We Are. I recommend reading his great book No. 337 (July – September 2021), which deals mainly with ConspiracySmall and medium-sized companies. lets you see all the covers since June 2000. Michelle Lyon.

“Science and pseudoscience They are produced by a completely volunteer editorial team and publish texts from a variety of authors, scientific or non-scientific, from the academic world, the economic field or civil society more broadly. Each author is presented in relation to his professional or trade union activities in relation to the content of his article. No shareholder is paid.

Economic, social, political, ethical, and societal issues in general lead some actors to disseminate false or scientifically distorted information, or to improperly attribute political or ethical implications to scientific facts. Science and pseudoscience Provides lighting that enables readers to form their own opinions.

Science is a slow and continuous process. Writing Science and pseudoscience He gives himself enough time to take the necessary distance to analyze the facts and their importance.

Science and pseudoscience He rejects relativism where any hypothesis must be recognized as possessing some truth. The state of knowledge generated by consensus is explicitly displayed. In the areas of health and the environment, the opinions of health authorities or academic institutions are always remembered.
Facts and findings are separated, as far as possible, from interpretation. Sources and references are always provided, to support the claims made in the articles, allowing readers to verify them and delve deeper into the topic. Opinion articles are clearly marked as such. Signed articles do not necessarily reflect the editorial viewpoint.

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“Afis French Association for Scientific Information Created in 1968, it aims to advance science and defend its integrity against those who, for profit or ideological purposes, distort its findings, ascribe to it a meaning that does not bear its name or use it to cover quack projects.

Afis considers that science alone cannot solve the problems facing humanity, but we cannot do so without resorting to the results of science. Thus, it ensures the promotion of the critical spirit and scientific method and opposes the transient obscurantist tendencies of society.

Afis is concerned with all topics at the interfaces between science and society. It also condemns pseudoscience and its promoters (astrology, the paranormal, fancy medicine, etc.) and promoters of irrational charlatans.

Afis advocates a clear separation between scientific experience (what science says) and decision (what society chooses to do). Decision making, which includes value judgments, is a matter of democratic choices; outside the scope of the association.

Afis is a public interest association open to all. It is independent and has no financial or ideological relationship with any entity whatsoever: government, political party, corporation, etc.

Its accounts and governance, which are submitted each year for the approval of its members at a general meeting, are presented on its website with complete transparency.

The club is the free expression space for Mediapart subscribers. Its contents do not occupy the editorial board.