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Saguenay: A little girl is going to Mexico for cancer treatment

Saguenay: A little girl is going to Mexico for cancer treatment

A 20-year-old Saguenay woman is battling a fourth recurrence of her cancer and will leave for Mexico on Wednesday to try a new treatment.

Since the age of eight, Cameron Tremblay has been fighting cancer, neuroblastoma, which starts in nerve cells.

“They found a cancerous mass the size of an orange in my stomach. In 2011, I went for surgery in Quebec. I underwent chemotherapy. Years later, recurrence, radiotherapy, recurrence, immunotherapy. I did other chemotherapy treatments. ” Like everything else, I did what was possible for my type of cancer.”

Three months ago, in January, the disease appeared again. Cameron learned that her cancer had returned for the fourth time. “As recently as January, the doctor told me: ‘Listen, there’s nothing else we can do for you.’ They tried to find me a pill. My cancer is in remission, and it seems to be working for now, but I no longer have any life expectancy.

The 20-year-old wants to keep fighting. She will leave for Mexico next Wednesday with her family to receive further treatment. “I couldn't bring myself to wait until the end. We know someone who had the treatment in Mexico. They worked for her. So why not try it? We're heading to Mexico next Wednesday,” Cameron said.

The treatment will last for 20 days plus travel. “It gives us hope, and we see that we don't have to close our doors. It's happened our way, everything is going so fast and everything is coming together so quickly, we're staying positive,” said his aunt Marine Tremblay.

Because the treatments are expensive, his grandparents set up a file countryside Crowdfunding. The goal is to raise $60,000. Other events, such as Tattoo Day, are organized to help cover all these costs.

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Her partner, who supports her throughout this ordeal, asked her to marry him when he heard the bad news. Cameron continues to embrace life and remains optimistic.