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Saint-Félix-de-Valois announces 24 new social and affordable housing units

Saint-Félix-de-Valois announces 24 new social and affordable housing units

The municipality of Saint-Felix-de-Valois announced Monday that 24 new housing units could be built on its land, as part of the second call for projects in the Quebec Affordable Housing Program of the Quebec Affordable Housing Corporation.

The project, called Maisons Félicienne, will target families and individuals in need.

This project will be implemented thanks to the Canada-Quebec Agreement relating to the Housing Construction Acceleration Fund in which the Governments of Canada and Quebec have invested $900 million.

Felician's management is also a financial partner of the project, as it must make a contribution to the project equal to at least 40% of the association's base grant.

In a press conference, the mayor of Saint-Felix de Valois, Audrey Beaujoli, indicated that the project would be on Michel Street and that its value would be $8.4 million. The grant is $4.5 million.

Finally, Ms. Puisjoli indicated that population growth in the municipality will reach 24% by 2031 and that the cost of housing in its territory is about $1,200. It is estimated that the first tenants will be able to take possession of their apartment in 1any July 2025.

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