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School is over for Juraj Slavkovsky

School is over for Juraj Slavkovsky

Juraj Slavkowski’s injury may have caused him to miss the last months of the regular season for the Montreal Canadiens…

But she also helped him in another way.

In fact, as he saw his season finish faster than expected, it gave him the opportunity to travel to his native Slovakia in order to pass his final matriculation exams.

It’s weird to think that he’s played in the best hockey league in the world for the past few months, without even graduating from high school… but hey. All of this is now a thing of the past as he now has his degree.

The youngster, as reported by Slovakia, has passed all his exams and now his journey to high school is finally over. However, there was one exam in particular that was more difficult than the others, as Robert Turca, a Slovak journalist, reported in the item in question :

Slovak hockey star Juraj Slavkovsky graduated on Wednesday, despite a history exam that gave him a lot of trouble. – Robert Ďurkač

He encourages!

This is a milestone in everyone’s life and I’m sure Slav is aware of it. Now, he will be able to focus on his hockey career because according to Robert Orca, the number 20 in CH still does not expect to return to school benches soon.

Maybe that will change in the future, who knows.

He also has less pressure on his shoulders and that pressure may have appeared at certain times in the last year. After all, even though he was used to living on his own before he came to Montreal, there had been so much new to him since he was recruited that he was probably too sure of the back at times.

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New city, new team, new teammates, adjusting to NHL life, the fact that he’s away from his family and those around him, school…

Collect them all at the same time and it can be a bit difficult to control…but hey. He had now sorted out a file that was still a bit important, and that could only help him with the rest of the stuff.

a lot of

– It’s “official”.

– He encourages.

“He deserves his flowers.

Andrew Brunette has arrived in Nashville.

– He was good during the tournament in the World Championships.

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