Physics boggles your mind, and mathematics gives you a cold sweat? Do not be afraid. Every problem has its solution. What will allow you to come to terms with scientific reasoning is ready: go to the Orleans Museum of Biodiversity and Environment (MOBI) until Sunday, October 15, at 6 p.m.
Mubi hosts the Science Village, as part of the Science Festival, a national event. The village is usually located on the university and research campus of Orleans-La-Source.
Mathematical topic
In front of the museum and inside the building, the curious will discover about forty platforms operated by research organizations, associations and others.
A few months before the start of the Olympic and Paralympic Games, the topic of sport is in the spotlight, with the aim of “highlighting the contribution of researchers to improving the performance of athletes and developing applications of knowledge discovery in many sectors, such as pharmacology, materials, neuroscience, psychology and even medicine.”
Mauby Museum curator Lori Danilo expects “about 4,000 visitors.” Interactivity and accessibility are the keywords for this event that appeals to all generations, especially children who learn while having fun. The proof is three (among many other examples).
- AgroParisTech Orléans presents the creation of a moisturizing hand cream based on water, flower water, almond oil and coconut oil and using a surfactant.
AgroParisTech Orléans position. Photo by Anne-Laure Le Jean
- The Val de Loire Center’s cave commission and the Bureau of Geological and Mining Research (BRGM) take visitors into an underground world. Little ones can take in a forty-meter-long individual gallery that simulates a cave path.
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“Cave Box” from the Belgian company Adventure Box. Photo by Anne-Laure Le Jean
- The University of Orleans Tribune Terre Society suggests fun experiments, like mixing cornstarch and water…which results in a strange liquid. To try at home!
Treebo Terre position. Photo by Anne-Laure Le Jean
I’m going. Sunday, October 15, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., at Mauby, 6 rue Marcel Proust, in Orléans. Information on the site
Science Festival in Lorette
Anne Laure Le Jean
“Music guru. Incurable web practitioner. Thinker. Lifelong zombie junkie. Tv buff. Typical organizer. Evil beer scholar.”
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