The deliberations were approved unanimously. This Thursday, May 27th, Lyon City Council approved two names that honor the woman. The...
Basic In the treatment of patients with mental disorders, follow-up between consultations is essential. The software can be installed on...
On November 11, 2019, the ground shocks in the Rhone Valley south of Montelimar. The strength of the tremor felt...
With two residences already in Rennes (one in Pelangeris and the other in Mapeles), the group is preparing to open...
The "House of Knowledge" is like a collection of stories. Beautiful stories that tell the living in all its freshness....
The annual meeting of Amateur Theater Meetings in Issy presented at the initiative of Espace Icare with the support of...
"Souffle", "Instante", two amazing shows then Trio ARK late Saturday afternoon, discover the Info-Chalon pics ... Souffle - L'Éolienne /...
In the North Bordeaux region, a different type of coronavirus is the origin of a cluster of about fifty cases....
Google Photos has just rolled out a new tool on its mobile app to prepare for the end of free...
CHowever, vaccines are not 100% effective in stopping transmission or infection. The risk of some vaccinated people fully contracting the...