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Searching Mar-a-Lago: Top Secret Documents Seized from Trump

Searching Mar-a-Lago: Top Secret Documents Seized from Trump

FBI agents seized “top secret” documents from the home of former US President Donald Trump in a possible violation of the Espionage Act, according to court documents released Friday by the US judiciary.

A federal judge in Florida announced the search warrant, which was placed under seal, along with an inventory of the seized documents. Among these issues is what is related to the “President of France”, according to the same source

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The Wall Street Journal also says it had access to a three-page inventory of what was seized on Monday during the search, including documents classified as top-class or classified, photos and a handwritten note.

The newspaper adds that this inventory consulted by the Wall Street Journal is part of a seven-page document including the search warrant.

The newspaper asserts that this inventory contains information related to the “President of France”.

No further details were given about these items, nor whether they were related to current French President Emmanuel Macron.

The US justice was preparing Friday to announce public judicial documents that are likely to lift the veil on the reasons for the unprecedented search that took place over the weekend in the former president’s home.

The operation, which angered his supporters and sparked “political persecution,” was carried out by FBI agents on Monday at his residence in Mar-a-Lago, Florida.

Apparently he was aiming to recover top-secret documents that the former president took when he left the White House. Possession of documents classified as confidential are strictly regulated by US law.

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