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Shroom and Doom new update on June 30

Shroom and Doom new update on June 30

The announcements were made at a rapid pace during the Xbox Game Show and Bethesda. Among these, Obsidian took the opportunity to unveil not only the second Future Composition outer worlds, but also a New major update for grounded, survival game in “Honey, I have shrunk the kids” mode.

baptizedShroom and domThis will bring a bunch of new features likeappearance of fungi Which can be used as building material for buildings like castles as we can see in the trailer above. Otherwise, your characters will finally get the extension Seating, which apparently society has been clamoring for for some time, as wellShe has few companions among the local animals Like aphids. However, not all of these idiots will be very friendly. Indeed, among these potential enemies, get ready to face Broddmother, a very dangerous giant spider. However, you will still have the arachnophobia mode available to make these charming creatures less terrifying.

Finally, one of the main new features that will come in this future update isIn-game achievements appear. This should undoubtedly motivate many players to return to the game.

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