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Small electric car, factory electronic sensors, Airbus A380 auction…Top 3 videos of this week

Small electric car, factory electronic sensors, Airbus A380 auction…Top 3 videos of this week

[L’industrie c’est fou] This electric car goes from 0 to 100 km / h in 1.416 seconds, which is a record

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The E0711 buggy, an electric buggy designed by a team of students from the University of Stuttgart (Germany), entered the Guinness Book of Records in early October. Equipped with an 189 kW engine, this 145 kg car reached 100 km / h in just 1.416 seconds.

[L’industrie c’est fou] Factory directs sickle using electrical signals

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American artist David Bowen equipped a philodendron with a scythe thanks to the built-in sensors. Its goal: to give the plant the means to defend itself.

[L’industrie c’est fou] Airbus A380 spare parts

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European aircraft manufacturer Airbus He organizes an unusual auction. 500 pieces of A380 parts, everyday objects and cabin items, as well as more technical equipment, will be on sale from October 13-15, 2022 in Toulouse (Haute-Garonne) and online.

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